Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where Your Treasure Is

Saturday! Yay! :)

First off I must say (again!) thank you all for the kind words about my grandfather. It's been rough and going back to "life as usual" has seemed a bit surreal. Every thought and prayer is appreciated, I feel blessed to have such kind blog buddies :)

Last night we went to see the new Harry Potter at the drive-in. It was GREAT! It's funny, when Harry Potter first became popular, I was soo uninterested. It seemed silly and I was in my late teens-early 20's, feeling far "too old" for such "juvenile" fare. It wasn't until about the time the third movie (Azkaban) came out that I fell in love with HP. The ABC Family channel was playing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone one day while hubbie was working and I decided to give it a try. I was immediately caught up. I recorded the movie to show Joe and ran out to buy the books. Since then we have seen every movie numerous times and when the Deathly Hallows book was released, we ignored the TV for days until we had it all read. Our dog is named Neville, after my favorite character (who didn't get much attention in this latest movie, to my dismay).

Never quite caught the Twilight bug as much.. I have read the books and seen the movie (and my sister is a die-hard Twilight fan). I would even go so far as to refer to myself as a firm Team Jacob member. But Harry has my heart :)

A HP-inspired freebie today (also a Bible verse if you want to erase the bottom text):


Also don't forget that beginning Monday my freebies will only be available for a week from the date I post them. This means the majority of the freebie links I have up now will be be removed. I will start selling them in bunches with new designs, but will definitely continue to post up freebies for you guys. Stay tuned for that :)